enum class | reshade::api::compare_op : uint32_t {
, reshade::api::less
, reshade::api::equal
, reshade::api::less_equal
, reshade::api::not_equal
, reshade::api::greater_equal
, reshade::api::always
} |
| Comparison operations. More...
enum class | reshade::api::filter_mode : uint32_t {
, reshade::api::min_mag_point_mip_linear
, reshade::api::min_point_mag_linear_mip_point
, reshade::api::min_point_mag_mip_linear
, reshade::api::min_linear_mag_point_mip_linear
, reshade::api::min_mag_linear_mip_point
, reshade::api::min_mag_mip_linear
, reshade::api::anisotropic
, reshade::api::compare_min_mag_mip_point
, reshade::api::compare_min_mag_point_mip_linear
, reshade::api::compare_min_point_mag_mip_linear
, reshade::api::compare_min_linear_mag_mip_point
, reshade::api::compare_min_linear_mag_point_mip_linear
, reshade::api::compare_min_mag_mip_linear
, reshade::api::compare_min_mag_anisotropic_mip_point
, reshade::api::compare_anisotropic
} |
| Texture filtering modes available for texture sampling operations. More...
enum class | reshade::api::texture_address_mode : uint32_t {
, reshade::api::mirror
, reshade::api::clamp
, reshade::api::border
} |
| Sampling behavior at texture coordinates outside the bounds of a texture resource. More...
enum class | reshade::api::map_access { reshade::api::read_only
, reshade::api::write_only
, reshade::api::read_write
, reshade::api::write_discard
} |
| Memory mapping access types. More...
enum class | reshade::api::memory_heap : uint32_t {
, reshade::api::gpu_only
, reshade::api::cpu_to_gpu
, reshade::api::gpu_to_cpu
, reshade::api::custom
} |
| Memory heap types, which give a hint as to where to place the allocation for a resource. More...
enum class | reshade::api::resource_type : uint32_t {
, reshade::api::buffer
, reshade::api::texture_1d
, reshade::api::texture_2d
, reshade::api::surface
} |
| Type of a resource. This is specified during creation and is immutable. Various operations may have special requirements on the type of resources they operate on (e.g. copies can only happen between resources of the same type, ...). More...
enum class | reshade::api::resource_flags : uint32_t {
, reshade::api::dynamic
, reshade::api::cube_compatible
, reshade::api::generate_mipmaps
, reshade::api::shared_nt_handle
, reshade::api::sparse_binding
} |
| Flags that specify additional parameters of a resource. More...
enum class | reshade::api::resource_usage : uint32_t {
, reshade::api::index_buffer
, reshade::api::vertex_buffer
, reshade::api::constant_buffer
, reshade::api::indirect_argument
, reshade::api::depth_stencil
, reshade::api::depth_stencil_read
, reshade::api::render_target
, reshade::api::shader_resource
, reshade::api::shader_resource_pixel
, reshade::api::unordered_access
, reshade::api::copy_dest
, reshade::api::copy_source
, reshade::api::resolve_source
, reshade::api::acceleration_structure
, reshade::api::general
, reshade::api::cpu_access
} |
| Flags that specify how a resource is used. This needs to be specified during creation and is also used to transition between different resource states within a command list. More...
enum class | reshade::api::resource_view_type : uint32_t {
, reshade::api::buffer
, reshade::api::texture_1d
, reshade::api::texture_1d_array
, reshade::api::texture_2d_array
, reshade::api::texture_2d_multisample
, reshade::api::texture_2d_multisample_array
, reshade::api::texture_cube
, reshade::api::texture_cube_array
, reshade::api::acceleration_structure
} |
| Type of a resource view. This identifies how a resource view interprets the data of its resource. More...
enum class | reshade::api::render_pass_load_op : uint32_t { reshade::api::load
, reshade::api::clear
, reshade::api::discard
, reshade::api::no_access
} |
| Specifies how the contents of a render target or depth-stencil view are treated at the start of a render pass. More...
enum class | reshade::api::render_pass_store_op : uint32_t { reshade::api::store
, reshade::api::discard
, reshade::api::no_access
} |
| Specifies how the contents of a render target or depth-stencil view are treated at the end of a render pass. More...
enum class | reshade::api::acceleration_structure_type { reshade::api::top_level
, reshade::api::bottom_level
, reshade::api::generic
} |
| Type of an acceleration structure. More...
enum class | reshade::api::acceleration_structure_copy_mode { reshade::api::clone
, reshade::api::compact
, reshade::api::serialize
, reshade::api::deserialize
} |
| Type of an acceleration structure copy operation. More...
enum class | reshade::api::acceleration_structure_build_mode { reshade::api::build
, reshade::api::update
} |
| Type of an acceleration structure build operation. More...
enum class | reshade::api::acceleration_structure_build_flags : uint32_t {
, reshade::api::allow_update
, reshade::api::allow_compaction
, reshade::api::prefer_fast_trace
, reshade::api::minimize_memory_usage
} |
| Flags that specify additional parameters to an acceleration structure build operation. More...
enum class | reshade::api::acceleration_structure_build_input_type : uint32_t { reshade::api::triangles
, reshade::api::aabbs
, reshade::api::instances
} |
| Type of an acceleration structure structure build input. More...
enum class | reshade::api::acceleration_structure_build_input_flags : uint32_t { reshade::api::none
, reshade::api::opaque
, reshade::api::no_duplicate_any_hit_invocation
} |
| Flags that specify additional parameters of an acceleration structure build input. More...
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator< (sampler lhs, sampler rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator!= (sampler lhs, sampler rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator!= (sampler lhs, uint64_t rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator== (sampler lhs, sampler rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator== (sampler lhs, uint64_t rhs) |
constexpr resource_flags | reshade::api::operator~ (resource_flags a) |
resource_flags & | reshade::api::operator&= (resource_flags &a, resource_flags b) |
constexpr resource_flags | reshade::api::operator& (resource_flags a, resource_flags b) |
resource_flags & | reshade::api::operator|= (resource_flags &a, resource_flags b) |
constexpr resource_flags | reshade::api::operator| (resource_flags a, resource_flags b) |
resource_flags & | reshade::api::operator^= (resource_flags &a, resource_flags b) |
constexpr resource_flags | reshade::api::operator^ (resource_flags a, resource_flags b) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator== (resource_flags lhs, uint32_t rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator!= (resource_flags lhs, uint32_t rhs) |
constexpr resource_usage | reshade::api::operator~ (resource_usage a) |
resource_usage & | reshade::api::operator&= (resource_usage &a, resource_usage b) |
constexpr resource_usage | reshade::api::operator& (resource_usage a, resource_usage b) |
resource_usage & | reshade::api::operator|= (resource_usage &a, resource_usage b) |
constexpr resource_usage | reshade::api::operator| (resource_usage a, resource_usage b) |
resource_usage & | reshade::api::operator^= (resource_usage &a, resource_usage b) |
constexpr resource_usage | reshade::api::operator^ (resource_usage a, resource_usage b) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator== (resource_usage lhs, uint32_t rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator!= (resource_usage lhs, uint32_t rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator< (resource lhs, resource rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator!= (resource lhs, resource rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator!= (resource lhs, uint64_t rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator== (resource lhs, resource rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator== (resource lhs, uint64_t rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator< (resource_view lhs, resource_view rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator!= (resource_view lhs, resource_view rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator!= (resource_view lhs, uint64_t rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator== (resource_view lhs, resource_view rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator== (resource_view lhs, uint64_t rhs) |
constexpr acceleration_structure_build_flags | reshade::api::operator~ (acceleration_structure_build_flags a) |
acceleration_structure_build_flags & | reshade::api::operator&= (acceleration_structure_build_flags &a, acceleration_structure_build_flags b) |
constexpr acceleration_structure_build_flags | reshade::api::operator& (acceleration_structure_build_flags a, acceleration_structure_build_flags b) |
acceleration_structure_build_flags & | reshade::api::operator|= (acceleration_structure_build_flags &a, acceleration_structure_build_flags b) |
constexpr acceleration_structure_build_flags | reshade::api::operator| (acceleration_structure_build_flags a, acceleration_structure_build_flags b) |
acceleration_structure_build_flags & | reshade::api::operator^= (acceleration_structure_build_flags &a, acceleration_structure_build_flags b) |
constexpr acceleration_structure_build_flags | reshade::api::operator^ (acceleration_structure_build_flags a, acceleration_structure_build_flags b) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator== (acceleration_structure_build_flags lhs, uint32_t rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator!= (acceleration_structure_build_flags lhs, uint32_t rhs) |
constexpr acceleration_structure_build_input_flags | reshade::api::operator~ (acceleration_structure_build_input_flags a) |
acceleration_structure_build_input_flags & | reshade::api::operator&= (acceleration_structure_build_input_flags &a, acceleration_structure_build_input_flags b) |
constexpr acceleration_structure_build_input_flags | reshade::api::operator& (acceleration_structure_build_input_flags a, acceleration_structure_build_input_flags b) |
acceleration_structure_build_input_flags & | reshade::api::operator|= (acceleration_structure_build_input_flags &a, acceleration_structure_build_input_flags b) |
constexpr acceleration_structure_build_input_flags | reshade::api::operator| (acceleration_structure_build_input_flags a, acceleration_structure_build_input_flags b) |
acceleration_structure_build_input_flags & | reshade::api::operator^= (acceleration_structure_build_input_flags &a, acceleration_structure_build_input_flags b) |
constexpr acceleration_structure_build_input_flags | reshade::api::operator^ (acceleration_structure_build_input_flags a, acceleration_structure_build_input_flags b) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator== (acceleration_structure_build_input_flags lhs, uint32_t rhs) |
constexpr bool | reshade::api::operator!= (acceleration_structure_build_input_flags lhs, uint32_t rhs) |