A generic post-processing injector for games and video software.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2021 Patrick Mours
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause OR MIT
4  */
6 #pragma once
8 #define RESHADE_DEFINE_HANDLE(name) \
9  typedef struct { uint64_t handle; } name; \
10  constexpr bool operator< (name lhs, name rhs) { return lhs.handle < rhs.handle; } \
11  constexpr bool operator!=(name lhs, name rhs) { return lhs.handle != rhs.handle; } \
12  constexpr bool operator!=(name lhs, uint64_t rhs) { return lhs.handle != rhs; } \
13  constexpr bool operator==(name lhs, name rhs) { return lhs.handle == rhs.handle; } \
14  constexpr bool operator==(name lhs, uint64_t rhs) { return lhs.handle == rhs; }
17  constexpr type operator~(type a) { return static_cast<type>(~static_cast<uint32_t>(a)); } \
18  inline type &operator&=(type &a, type b) { return reinterpret_cast<type &>(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t &>(a) &= static_cast<uint32_t>(b)); } \
19  constexpr type operator&(type a, type b) { return static_cast<type>(static_cast<uint32_t>(a) & static_cast<uint32_t>(b)); } \
20  inline type &operator|=(type &a, type b) { return reinterpret_cast<type &>(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t &>(a) |= static_cast<uint32_t>(b)); } \
21  constexpr type operator|(type a, type b) { return static_cast<type>(static_cast<uint32_t>(a) | static_cast<uint32_t>(b)); } \
22  inline type &operator^=(type &a, type b) { return reinterpret_cast<type &>(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t &>(a) ^= static_cast<uint32_t>(b)); } \
23  constexpr type operator^(type a, type b) { return static_cast<type>(static_cast<uint32_t>(a) ^ static_cast<uint32_t>(b)); } \
24  constexpr bool operator==(type lhs, uint32_t rhs) { return static_cast<uint32_t>(lhs) == rhs; } \
25  constexpr bool operator!=(type lhs, uint32_t rhs) { return static_cast<uint32_t>(lhs) != rhs; }
27 #include "reshade_api_format.hpp"
29 namespace reshade { namespace api
30 {
34  enum class compare_op : uint32_t
35  {
36  never = 0,
37  less = 1,
38  equal = 2,
39  less_equal = 3,
40  greater = 4,
41  not_equal = 5,
42  greater_equal = 6,
43  always = 7
44  };
49  enum class filter_mode : uint32_t
50  {
58  min_mag_mip_linear = 0x15,
60  anisotropic = 0x55,
70  compare_anisotropic = 0xd5
71  };
76  enum class texture_address_mode : uint32_t
77  {
78  wrap = 1,
79  mirror = 2,
80  clamp = 3,
81  border = 4,
82  mirror_once = 5
83  };
88  struct sampler_desc
89  {
109  float mip_lod_bias = 0.0f;
113  float max_anisotropy = 1.0f;
121  float border_color[4] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
125  float min_lod = -FLT_MAX;
129  float max_lod = +FLT_MAX;
130  };
141  enum class map_access
142  {
143  read_only = 1,
144  write_only,
145  read_write,
147  };
152  enum class memory_heap : uint32_t
153  {
154  unknown, // Usually indicates a resource that is reserved, but not yet bound to any memory.
155  gpu_only,
156  // Upload heap
157  cpu_to_gpu,
158  // Readback heap
159  gpu_to_cpu,
160  cpu_only,
161  custom
162  };
168  enum class resource_type : uint32_t
169  {
170  unknown,
171  buffer,
172  texture_1d,
173  texture_2d,
174  texture_3d,
175  surface // Special type for resources that are implicitly both resource and render target view.
176  };
181  enum class resource_flags : uint32_t
182  {
183  none = 0,
188  dynamic = (1 << 3),
192  cube_compatible = (1 << 2),
196  generate_mipmaps = (1 << 0),
201  shared = (1 << 1),
202  shared_nt_handle = (1 << 11),
206  sparse_binding = (1 << 18),
207  };
214  enum class resource_usage : uint32_t
215  {
216  undefined = 0,
218  index_buffer = 0x2,
219  vertex_buffer = 0x1,
220  constant_buffer = 0x8000,
221  stream_output = 0x100,
222  indirect_argument = 0x200,
224  depth_stencil = 0x30,
225  depth_stencil_read = 0x20,
226  depth_stencil_write = 0x10,
227  render_target = 0x4,
228  shader_resource = 0xC0,
229  shader_resource_pixel = 0x80,
231  unordered_access = 0x8,
233  copy_dest = 0x400,
234  copy_source = 0x800,
235  resolve_dest = 0x1000,
236  resolve_source = 0x2000,
238  acceleration_structure = 0x400000,
240  // The following are special resource states and may only be used in barriers:
242  general = 0x80000000,
243  present = 0x80000000 | render_target | copy_source,
245  };
251  struct [[nodiscard]] resource_desc
252  {
253  constexpr resource_desc() : texture() {}
254  constexpr resource_desc(uint64_t size, memory_heap heap, resource_usage usage, resource_flags flags = resource_flags::none) :
255  type(resource_type::buffer), buffer({ size }), heap(heap), usage(usage), flags(flags) {}
256  constexpr resource_desc(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint16_t layers, uint16_t levels, format format, uint16_t samples, memory_heap heap, resource_usage usage, resource_flags flags = resource_flags::none) :
257  type(resource_type::texture_2d), texture({ width, height, layers, levels, format, samples }), heap(heap), usage(usage), flags(flags) {}
258  constexpr resource_desc(resource_type type, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint16_t depth_or_layers, uint16_t levels, format format, uint16_t samples, memory_heap heap, resource_usage usage, resource_flags flags = resource_flags::none) :
259  type(type), texture({ width, height, depth_or_layers, levels, format, samples }), heap(heap), usage(usage), flags(flags) {}
266  union
267  {
271  struct
272  {
276  uint64_t size = 0;
280  uint32_t stride = 0;
286  struct
287  {
291  uint32_t width = 1;
295  uint32_t height = 1;
299  uint16_t depth_or_layers = 1;
304  uint16_t levels = 1;
312  uint16_t samples = 1;
313  } texture;
314  };
329  };
341  enum class resource_view_type : uint32_t
342  {
343  unknown,
344  buffer,
345  texture_1d,
347  texture_2d,
351  texture_3d,
352  texture_cube,
355  };
360  struct [[nodiscard]] resource_view_desc
361  {
362  constexpr resource_view_desc() : texture() {}
363  constexpr resource_view_desc(format format, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size) :
364  type(resource_view_type::buffer), format(format), buffer({ offset, size }) {}
365  constexpr resource_view_desc(format format, uint32_t first_level, uint32_t levels, uint32_t first_layer, uint32_t layers) :
366  type(resource_view_type::texture_2d), format(format), texture({ first_level, levels, first_layer, layers }) {}
367  constexpr resource_view_desc(resource_view_type type, format format, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size) :
368  type(type), format(format), buffer({ offset, size }) {}
369  constexpr resource_view_desc(resource_view_type type, format format, uint32_t first_level, uint32_t levels, uint32_t first_layer, uint32_t layers) :
370  type(type), format(format), texture({ first_level, levels, first_layer, layers }) {}
371  constexpr explicit resource_view_desc(format format) : type(resource_view_type::texture_2d), format(format), texture({ 0, 1, 0, 1 }) {}
382  union
383  {
387  struct
388  {
392  uint64_t offset = 0;
397  uint64_t size = UINT64_MAX;
403  struct
404  {
408  uint32_t first_level = 0;
413  uint32_t level_count = UINT32_MAX;
417  uint32_t first_layer = 0;
422  uint32_t layer_count = UINT32_MAX;
423  } texture;
424  };
425  };
438  {
439  int32_t left = 0;
440  int32_t top = 0;
441  int32_t front = 0;
442  int32_t right = 0;
443  int32_t bottom = 0;
444  int32_t back = 0;
446  constexpr uint32_t width() const { return right - left; }
447  constexpr uint32_t height() const { return bottom - top; }
448  constexpr uint32_t depth() const { return back - front; }
449  };
455  {
459  void *data = nullptr;
464  uint32_t row_pitch = 0;
469  uint32_t slice_pitch = 0;
470  };
475  enum class render_pass_load_op : uint32_t
476  {
477  load,
478  clear,
479  discard,
480  no_access
481  };
486  enum class render_pass_store_op : uint32_t
487  {
488  store,
489  discard,
490  no_access
491  };
497  {
521  float clear_depth = 0.0f;
525  uint8_t clear_stencil = 0;
526  };
532  {
548  float clear_color[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
549  };
555  {
556  top_level = 0,
557  bottom_level = 1,
558  generic = 2
559  };
565  {
566  clone = 0,
567  compact = 1,
568  serialize = 2,
569  deserialize = 3
570  };
576  {
577  build = 0,
578  update = 1
579  };
585  {
586  none = 0,
587  allow_update = (1 << 0),
588  allow_compaction = (1 << 1),
589  prefer_fast_trace = (1 << 2),
590  prefer_fast_build = (1 << 3),
591  minimize_memory_usage = (1 << 4)
592  };
599  {
600  triangles = 0,
601  aabbs = 1,
602  instances = 2
603  };
609  {
610  none = 0,
611  opaque = (1 << 0),
613  };
621  {
622  float transform[3][4];
623  uint32_t custom_index : 24;
624  uint32_t mask : 8;
626  uint32_t flags : 8;
628  };
634  {
636  constexpr acceleration_structure_build_input(api::resource vertex_buffer, uint64_t vertex_offset, uint32_t vertex_count, uint64_t vertex_stride, api::format vertex_format, api::resource index_buffer, uint64_t index_offset, uint32_t index_count, api::format index_format, uint64_t transform_address = 0) : type(acceleration_structure_build_input_type::triangles), triangles({ vertex_buffer, vertex_offset, vertex_count, vertex_stride, vertex_format, index_buffer, index_offset, index_count, index_format, transform_address }) {}
637  constexpr acceleration_structure_build_input(api::resource aabb_buffer, uint64_t aabb_offset, uint32_t aabb_count, uint64_t aabb_stride) : type(acceleration_structure_build_input_type::aabbs), aabbs({ aabb_buffer, aabb_offset, aabb_count, aabb_stride }) {}
638  constexpr acceleration_structure_build_input(api::resource instance_buffer, uint64_t instance_offset, uint32_t instance_count, bool array_of_pointers = false) : type(acceleration_structure_build_input_type::instances), instances({ instance_buffer, instance_offset, instance_count, array_of_pointers }) {}
645  union
646  {
650  struct
651  {
653  uint64_t vertex_offset = 0;
654  uint32_t vertex_count = 0;
655  uint64_t vertex_stride = 0;
658  uint64_t index_offset = 0;
659  uint32_t index_count = 0;
661  api::resource transform_buffer = {};
662  uint64_t transform_offset = 0;
668  struct
669  {
671  uint64_t offset = 0;
672  uint32_t count = 0;
673  uint64_t stride = 0;
674  } aabbs;
679  struct
680  {
681  api::resource buffer = {};
682  uint64_t offset = 0;
683  uint32_t count = 0;
684  bool array_of_pointers = false;
686  };
692  };
693 } }
Type of a resource view. This identifies how a resource view interprets the data of its resource.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:342
Type of an acceleration structure build operation.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:576
Type of an acceleration structure.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:555
Comparison operations.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:35
Specifies how the contents of a render target or depth-stencil view are treated at the end of a rende...
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:487
Type of a resource. This is specified during creation and is immutable. Various operations may have s...
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:169
Memory heap types, which give a hint as to where to place the allocation for a resource.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:153
Type of an acceleration structure structure build input.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:599
Specifies how the contents of a render target or depth-stencil view are treated at the start of a ren...
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:476
Memory mapping access types.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:142
Type of an acceleration structure copy operation.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:565
Flags that specify additional parameters to an acceleration structure build operation.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:585
Flags that specify additional parameters of an acceleration structure build input.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:609
@ flags
Additional pipeline creation flags. Sub-object data is a pointer to a pipeline_flags value.
Available data and texture formats. This is mostly compatible with 'DXGI_FORMAT'.
Definition: reshade_api_format.hpp:18
Sampling behavior at texture coordinates outside the bounds of a texture resource.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:77
Texture filtering modes available for texture sampling operations.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:50
Flags that specify additional parameters of a resource.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:182
@ generate_mipmaps
Required to use the resource with command_list::generate_mipmaps.
@ shared
Shared resources can be imported/exported from/to different graphics APIs and/or processes....
@ cube_compatible
Required to create resource_view_type::texture_cube or resource_view_type::texture_cube_array views o...
@ dynamic
Dynamic resources can be frequently updated during a frame, with previous contents automatically bein...
@ sparse_binding
Resource is backed using sparse memory binding.
Flags that specify how a resource is used. This needs to be specified during creation and is also use...
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:215
Definition: reshade.hpp:56
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:16
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:8
Describes a build input for an acceleration structure build operation.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:634
constexpr acceleration_structure_build_input()
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:635
constexpr acceleration_structure_build_input(api::resource vertex_buffer, uint64_t vertex_offset, uint32_t vertex_count, uint64_t vertex_stride, api::format vertex_format, api::resource index_buffer, uint64_t index_offset, uint32_t index_count, api::format index_format, uint64_t transform_address=0)
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:636
constexpr acceleration_structure_build_input(api::resource instance_buffer, uint64_t instance_offset, uint32_t instance_count, bool array_of_pointers=false)
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:638
constexpr acceleration_structure_build_input(api::resource aabb_buffer, uint64_t aabb_offset, uint32_t aabb_count, uint64_t aabb_stride)
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:637
Describes a single instance in a top-level acceleration structure. The data in acceleration_structure...
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:621
uint32_t shader_binding_table_offset
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:625
uint32_t mask
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:624
uint32_t flags
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:626
uint32_t custom_index
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:623
uint64_t acceleration_structure_gpu_address
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:627
Describes a depth-stencil view and how it is treated at the start and end of a render pass.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:497
render_pass_load_op depth_load_op
Specifies how the depth contents of the depth-stencil view are treated at the start of the render pas...
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:505
render_pass_store_op depth_store_op
Specifies how the depth contents of the depth-stencil view are treated at the end of the render pass.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:509
render_pass_store_op stencil_store_op
Specifies how the stencil contents of the depth-stencil view are treated at the end of the render pas...
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:517
uint8_t clear_stencil
Value the stencil contents of the depth-stencil resource is cleared to when stencil_load_op is render...
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:525
render_pass_load_op stencil_load_op
Specifies how the stencil contents of the depth-stencil view are treated at the start of the render p...
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:513
resource_view view
Depth-stencil resource view.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:501
float clear_depth
Value the depth contents of the depth-stencil resource is cleared to when depth_load_op is render_pas...
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:521
Describes a render target view and how it is treated at the start and end of a render pass.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:532
render_pass_store_op store_op
Specifies how the contents of the render target view are treated at the end of the render pass.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:544
resource_view view
Render target resource view.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:536
float clear_color[4]
Value the render target resource is cleared to when load_op is render_pass_load_op::clear.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:548
render_pass_load_op load_op
Specifies how the contents of the render target view are treated at the start of the render pass.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:540
Describes a resource, such as a buffer or texture.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:252
constexpr resource_desc(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint16_t layers, uint16_t levels, format format, uint16_t samples, memory_heap heap, resource_usage usage, resource_flags flags=resource_flags::none)
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:256
constexpr resource_desc(uint64_t size, memory_heap heap, resource_usage usage, resource_flags flags=resource_flags::none)
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:254
constexpr resource_desc(resource_type type, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint16_t depth_or_layers, uint16_t levels, format format, uint16_t samples, memory_heap heap, resource_usage usage, resource_flags flags=resource_flags::none)
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:258
constexpr resource_desc()
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:253
Describes a resource view, which specifies how to interpret the data of a resource.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:361
constexpr resource_view_desc(resource_view_type type, format format, uint32_t first_level, uint32_t levels, uint32_t first_layer, uint32_t layers)
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:369
constexpr resource_view_desc()
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:362
constexpr resource_view_desc(format format)
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:371
constexpr resource_view_desc(format format, uint32_t first_level, uint32_t levels, uint32_t first_layer, uint32_t layers)
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:365
constexpr resource_view_desc(format format, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size)
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:363
constexpr resource_view_desc(resource_view_type type, format format, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size)
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:367
An opaque handle to a resource view object (depth-stencil, render target, shader resource view,...
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:432
An opaque handle to a resource object (buffer, texture, ...).
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:336
Describes a sampler state.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:89
filter_mode filter
Filtering mode to use when sampling a texture.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:93
float mip_lod_bias
Offset applied to the calculated mipmap level when sampling a texture.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:109
texture_address_mode address_u
Method to use for resolving U texture coordinates outside 0 to 1 range.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:97
float max_lod
Upper end of the mipmap range to clamp access to.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:129
float border_color[4]
RGBA value to return for texture coordinates outside 0 to 1 range when addressing mode is texture_add...
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:121
float min_lod
Lower end of the mipmap range to clamp access to.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:125
float max_anisotropy
Clamping value to use when filtering mode is filter_mode::anisotropic.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:113
texture_address_mode address_v
Method to use for resolving V texture coordinates outside 0 to 1 range.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:101
texture_address_mode address_w
Method to use for resolving W texture coordinates outside 0 to 1 range.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:105
An opaque handle to a sampler state object.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:136
Describes a region inside a subresource.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:438
int32_t right
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:442
int32_t bottom
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:443
constexpr uint32_t height() const
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:447
int32_t back
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:444
int32_t left
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:439
int32_t top
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:440
int32_t front
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:441
constexpr uint32_t width() const
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:446
constexpr uint32_t depth() const
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:448
Describes the data of a subresource.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:455
uint32_t slice_pitch
Depth pitch of the data (added to the data pointer to move between texture depth/array slices,...
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:469
void * data
Pointer to the data.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:459
uint32_t row_pitch
Row pitch of the data (added to the data pointer to move between texture rows, unused for buffers and...
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:464