A generic post-processing injector for games and video software.
ReShade API

The ReShade API lets you interact with the resources and rendering commands of applications ReShade was loaded into. It abstracts away differences between the various graphics API ReShade supports (Direct3D 9/10/11/12, OpenGL and Vulkan), to make it possible to write add-ons that work across a wide range of applications, regardless of the graphics API they use.

A ReShade add-on is a DLL or part of the application that uses the header-only ReShade API to register callbacks for events and do work in those callbacks after they were invoked by ReShade. There are no further requirements, no functions need to be exported and no libraries need to be linked against (although linking against ReShade is supported as well by defining RESHADE_API_LIBRARY before including the headers if so desired). Simply add the include directory from the ReShade repository to your project and include the reshade.hpp header to get started.

An add-on may optionally export an AddonInit function if more complicated one-time initialization than possible in DllMain is required. It will be called by ReShade right after loading the add-on module.

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool AddonInit(HMODULE addon_module, HMODULE reshade_module)
return true;

Similarily it may also export an AddonUninit function, which will be called right before unloading (but only if initialization was successfull).

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void AddonUninit(HMODULE addon_module, HMODULE reshade_module)

Here is a very basic code example of an add-on that registers a callback that gets executed every time ReShade has finished with a frame to be presented to the screen:

#include <reshade.hpp>
static void on_reshade_present(reshade::api::effect_runtime *runtime)
// ...
switch (fdwReason)
// Call 'reshade::register_addon()' before you call any other function of the ReShade API.
// This will look for the ReShade instance in the current process and initialize the API when found.
if (!reshade::register_addon(hinstDLL))
return FALSE;
// This registers a callback for the 'present' event, which occurs every time a new frame is presented to the screen.
// The function signature has to match the type defined by 'reshade::addon_event_traits<reshade::addon_event::present>::decl'.
// For more details check the inline documentation for each event in 'reshade_events.hpp'.
// Optionally unregister the event callback that was previously registered during process attachment again.
// And finally unregister the add-on from ReShade (this will automatically unregister any events and overlays registered by this add-on too).
return TRUE;
void unregister_addon(HMODULE addon_module, [[maybe_unused]] HMODULE reshade_module=nullptr)
Unregisters this module as an add-on. Call this in 'AddonUninit' or 'DllMain' during process detach,...
Definition: reshade.hpp:283
bool register_addon(HMODULE addon_module, [[maybe_unused]] HMODULE reshade_module=nullptr)
Registers this module as an add-on with ReShade. Call this in 'AddonInit' or 'DllMain' during process...
Definition: reshade.hpp:249
A post-processing effect runtime, used to control effects.
Definition: reshade_api.hpp:51

After building an add-on DLL, change its file extension from .dll to .addon and put it into the add-on search directory configured in ReShade (which defaults to the same directory as ReShade). It will be picked up and loaded automatically on the next launch of the application.

For more complex examples, see the examples directory in the repository. Contents of this document:


The graphics API abstraction is modeled after the Direct3D 12 and Vulkan APIs, so much of the terminology used should be familiar to developers that have used those before.

Detailed inline documentation for all classes and methods can be found inside the headers (see reshade_api_device.hpp for the abstraction object classes and reshade_events.hpp for a list of available events).

The base object everything else is created from is a reshade::api::device. This represents a logical rendering device that is typically mapped to a physical GPU (but may also be mapped to multiple GPUs). ReShade will call the reshade::addon_event::init_device event after the application created a device, which can e.g. be used to do some initialization work that only has to happen once. The reshade::addon_event::destroy_device event is called before this device is destroyed again, which can be used to perform clean up work.

// Example callback function that can be registered via 'reshade::register_event<reshade::addon_event::init_device>(&on_init_device)'.
static void on_init_device(reshade::api::device *device)
// In case one wants to do something with the native graphics API object, rather than doing all work
// through the ReShade API, can retrieve it as follows:
ID3D11Device *const d3d11_device = (ID3D11Device *)device->get_native();
// ...
// But preferably things should be done through the graphics API abstraction.
// E.g. to create a new 800x600 texture in GPU memory, call 'reshade::api::device::create_resource()' like this:
reshade::api::resource texture = {};
800, 600, 1, 1,
if (!device->create_resource(desc, nullptr, reshade::api::resource_usage::undefined, &texture))
// Error handling ...
// ...
virtual uint64_t get_native() const =0
Gets the underlying native object for this API object.
A logical render device, used for resource creation and global operations.
Definition: reshade_api_device.hpp:309
virtual device_api get_api() const =0
Gets the underlying graphics API used by this device.
virtual bool create_resource(const resource_desc &desc, const subresource_data *initial_data, resource_usage initial_state, resource *out_resource, void **shared_handle=nullptr)=0
Allocates and creates a new resource.
Describes a resource, such as a buffer or texture.
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:262
An opaque handle to a resource object (buffer, texture, ...).
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:356

To execute rendering commands (like draw/dispatch commands), an application has to record them into a reshade::api::command_list and then submit to a reshade::api::command_queue. In some graphics APIs there is only a single implicit command list and queue, but modern ones like Direct3D 12 and Vulkan allow the creation of multiple for more efficient multi-threaded rendering. ReShade will call the reshade::addon_event::init_command_list and reshade::addon_event::init_command_queue events after any such object was created by the application (including the implicit ones for older graphics APIs). Similarily, reshade::addon_event::destroy_command_list and reshade::addon_event::destroy_command_queue are called upon their destruction.

ReShade will also pass the current command list object to every command event, like reshade::addon_event::draw, reshade::addon_event::dispatch and so on, which can be used to add additional commands to that command list or replace those of the application.

// Example callback function that can be registered via 'reshade::register_event<reshade::addon_event::draw>(&on_draw)'.
static bool on_draw(reshade::api::command_list *cmd_list, uint32_t vertices, uint32_t instances, uint32_t first_vertex, uint32_t first_instance)
// Clear a render target to red before every time a single triangle is drawn
if (vertices == 3 && instances == 1)
const float clear_color[4] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
cmd_list->clear_render_target_view(rtv, clear_color);
// Return 'true' to prevent this application command from actually being executed (e.g. because already having added a new command via 'cmd_list->draw(...)' or similar that should replace it).
// Return 'false' to leave it unaffected.
return false;
A command list, used to enqueue render commands on the CPU, before later executing them in a command ...
Definition: reshade_api_device.hpp:663
virtual void clear_render_target_view(resource_view rtv, const float color[4], uint32_t rect_count=0, const rect *rects=nullptr)=0
Clears the resource referenced by the render target view.
An opaque handle to a resource view object (depth-stencil, render target, shader resource view,...
Definition: reshade_api_resource.hpp:462

Showing results on the screen is done through a reshade::api::swapchain object. This is a collection of back buffers that the application can render into, which will eventually be presented to the screen. There may be multiple swap chains, if for example the application is rendering to multiple windows, or to a screen and a VR headset. ReShade again will call the reshade::addon_event::init_swapchain event after such an object was created by the application (and reshade::addon_event::destroy_swapchain on destruction). In addition ReShade will call the reshade::addon_event::create_swapchain event before a swap chain is created, so an add-on may modify its description before that happens. For example, to force the resolution to a specific value, one can do the following:

// Example callback function that can be registered via 'reshade::register_event<reshade::addon_event::create_swapchain>(&on_create_swapchain)'.
static bool on_create_swapchain(reshade::api::swapchain_desc &desc, void *hwnd)
// Change resolution to 1920x1080 if the application is trying to create a swap chain at 800x600.
if (desc.back_buffer.texture.width == 800 &&
desc.back_buffer.texture.height == 600)
desc.back_buffer.texture.width = 1920;
desc.back_buffer.texture.height = 1080;
// Return 'true' for ReShade to overwrite the swap chain description of the application with the values set in this callback.
// Return 'false' to leave it unaffected.
return true;
struct reshade::api::resource_desc::@10::@13 texture
Used when resource type is a texture or surface.
Describes a swap chain and its back buffer resources.
Definition: reshade_api_device.hpp:1209
resource_desc back_buffer
Description of the back buffer resources.
Definition: reshade_api_device.hpp:1213

ReShade associates an independent post-processing effect runtime with most swap chains. This is the runtime one usually controls via the ReShade overlay, but it can also be controlled programatically via the ReShade API using methods of the reshade::api::effect_runtime object.

In contrast to the described basic API abstraction objects, any buffers, textures, pipelines, etc. are referenced via handles. These are either created by the application and passed to events (like reshade::addon_event::init_resource, reshade::addon_event::init_pipeline, ...) or can be created through the reshade::api::device object of the ReShade API (via reshade::api::device::create_resource(), reshade::api::device::create_pipeline(), ...).

Buffers and textures are referenced via reshade::api::resource handles. Depth-stencil, render target, shader resource or unordered access views to such resources are referenced via reshade::api::resource_view handles. Sampler state objects are referenced via reshade::api::sampler handles, (partial) pipeline state objects via reshade::api::pipeline handles and so on.


It is also supported to add an overlay, which can e.g. be used to display debug information or interact with the user in-application. Overlays are created with the use of the docking branch of Dear ImGui. Including reshade.hpp after imgui.h will automatically overwrite all Dear ImGui functions to use the instance created and managed by ReShade. This means all you have to do is include these two headers and use Dear ImGui as usual (without having to build its source code files):

#define ImTextureID ImU64 // Change ImGui texture ID type to that of a 'reshade::api::resource_view' handle
#include <imgui.h>
#include <reshade.hpp>
bool g_popup_window_visible = false;
static void draw_debug_overlay(reshade::api::effect_runtime *runtime)
ImGui::TextUnformatted("Some text");
if (ImGui::Button("Press me to open an additional popup window"))
g_popup_window_visible = true;
if (g_popup_window_visible)
ImGui::Begin("Popup", &g_popup_window_visible);
ImGui::TextUnformatted("Some other text");
static void draw_settings_overlay(reshade::api::effect_runtime *runtime)
ImGui::Checkbox("Popup window is visible", &g_popup_window_visible);
switch (fdwReason)
// This will also populate the Dear ImGui function table.
if (!reshade::register_addon(hinstDLL))
return FALSE;
// This registers a new overlay with the specified name with ReShade.
// It will be displayed as an additional window when the ReShade overlay is opened.
// Its contents are defined by Dear ImGui commands issued in the specified callback function.
reshade::register_overlay("Test", &draw_debug_overlay);
// It is also possible to register a special settings overlay by passing 'nullptr' instead of a title.
// This is shown beneath the add-on information in the add-on list of the ReShade overlay and can be used to present settings to users.
reshade::register_overlay(nullptr, &draw_settings_overlay);
return TRUE;
void register_overlay(const char *title, void(*callback)(api::effect_runtime *runtime))
Registers an overlay with ReShade.
Definition: reshade.hpp:343

Do not call ImGui::Begin and ImGui::End in the callback to create the overlay window itself, ReShade already does this for you before and after calling the callback function. You can however call ImGui::Begin and ImGui::End with a different title to open additional popup windows (this is not recommended though, since those are difficult to navigate in VR).

Overlay names are shared across ReShade and all add-ons, which means you can register with a name already used by ReShade or another add-on to append widgets to their overlay. For example, reshade::register_overlay("###settings", ...) allows you to add widgets to the settings page in ReShade and reshade::register_overlay("OSD", ...) allows you to add additional information to the always visible on-screen display (clock, FPS, frametime) ReShade provides.


Device & Commands (<a href="">reshade_api_device.hpp</a>)

The concept of reshade::api::device is functionally equivalent to ID3D12Device in D3D12 or VkDevice in Vulkan. The concept of reshade::api::command_list is functionally equivalent to ID3D12CommandList in D3D12 or VkCommandBuffer in Vulkan. The concept of reshade::api::command_queue is functionally equivalent to ID3D12CommandQueue in D3D12 or VkQueue in Vulkan.

Resources & Resource Views (<a href="">reshade_api_resource.hpp</a>)

To allocate memory and create buffers or textures, call reshade::api::device::create_resource(). Care has to be taken to specify all the possible ways the resource is going to be used via reshade::api::resource_desc::usage.

Resources allocated in GPU memory (reshade::api::resource_desc::heap set to reshade::api::memory_heap::gpu_only) cannot be mapped and accessed on the CPU, so to fill them with contents either have to specify it during resource creation via the initial data parameter or upload it via reshade::api::device::update_buffer_region() or reshade::api::device::update_texture_region().\ Resources allocated in CPU-visible memory (reshade::api::resource_desc::heap set to reshade::api::memory_heap::cpu_to_gpu or reshade::api::memory_heap::gpu_to_cpu) on the other hand can be mapped and directly accessed on the CPU, via reshade::api::device::map_buffer_region() or reshade::api::device::map_texture_region().

The concept of reshade::api::resource is functionally equivalent to ID3D12Resource in D3D12 or VkBuffer/VkImage in Vulkan. The concept of reshade::api::resource_view is functionally equivalent to SRV/UAV/... in D3D12 or VkBufferView/VkImageView in Vulkan.

Pipelines, Layouts & Descriptor Tables (<a href="">reshade_api_pipeline.hpp</a>)

Shaders and other render state is combined into monolithic pipeline state objects (reshade::api::pipeline), which can then be bound at draw time (using reshade::api::command_list::bind_pipeline()) to make any following draw calls make use of those shaders and render state.

reshade::api::shader_desc vertex_shader;
vertex_shader.code = ...;
vertex_shader.code_size = ...;
subobjects[0].count = 1;
subobjects[0].data = &vertex_shader;
pixel_shader.code = ...;
pixel_shader.code_size = ...;
subobjects[1].count = 1;
subobjects[1].data = &pixel_shader;
subobjects[2].count = 1;
subobjects[2].data = &rasterizer_state;
@ rasterizer_state
State of the rasterizer stage. Sub-object data is a pointer to a rasterizer_desc.
@ pixel_shader
Pixel shader to use. Sub-object data is a pointer to a shader_desc.
@ vertex_shader
Vertex shader to use. Sub-object data is a pointer to a shader_desc.
Describes a pipeline sub-object.
Definition: reshade_api_pipeline.hpp:1016
void * data
Pointer to an array of sub-object descriptions (which should be as large as the specified count)....
Definition: reshade_api_pipeline.hpp:1030
uint32_t count
Number of sub-object descriptions. This should usually be 1, except for array sub-objects like pipeli...
Definition: reshade_api_pipeline.hpp:1025
pipeline_subobject_type type
Type of the specified sub-object data.
Definition: reshade_api_pipeline.hpp:1020
Describes the state of the rasterizer stage.
Definition: reshade_api_pipeline.hpp:665
Describes a shader object.
Definition: reshade_api_pipeline.hpp:424

To create a pipeline, call reshade::api::device::create_pipeline() with a list of sub-objects that should be combined. This can contain graphics shaders and render state to create a graphics pipeline, or just a compute shader sub-object to create a compute pipeline, or ray tracing shaders to create a ray tracing pipeline.

In D3D9, D3D10, D3D11 and OpenGL, pipeline state objects can be partially bound, meaning reshade::api::command_list::bind_pipeline() can be called with a subset of reshade::api::pipeline_stage flags and only the sub-objects in the pipeline state object corresponding to those flags will be bound. In D3D12 and Vulkan pipeline state objects have to be monolithic and can only be bound as a whole, meaning the pipeline stage flags have to be reshade::api::pipeline_stage::all_graphics (for a graphics pipeline), reshade::api::pipeline_stage::all_compute (for a compute pipeline) or reshade::api::pipeline_stage::all_raytracing (for a ray tracing pipeline) and only a single pipeline per these stage flags can be bound on a command list at a time.

The concept of reshade::api::pipeline is functionally equivalent to ID3D12PipelineState in D3D12 or VkPipeline in Vulkan.

Binding resources and other objects to the shaders in a pipeline is done via descriptors. A descriptor is just a small handle that points to a shader resource view (reshade::api::resource_view), a sampler object (reshade::api::sampler) or a constant buffer resource (reshade::api::buffer_range). These are written into fixed-size linear tables (reshade::api::descriptor_table) in memory (reshade::api::descriptor_heap), which can be quickly swapped at draw time (using reshade::api::command_list::bind_descriptor_tables()). An additional layout object (reshade::api::pipeline_layout) is needed to map the entries from these linear tables to shader registers in shaders.

Since this mapping can get pretty complex, below is an example pipeline layout description which describes just a single descriptor table and how the corresponding table would be layed out in memory:

params[0].descriptor_table.count = 4;
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[0].binding = 0;
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[0].dx_register_index = 0; // Base shader register => t0 - t2
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[0].count = 2;
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[0].type = reshade::api::descriptor_type::texture_shader_resource_view; // => tX shader register
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[1].binding = 2;
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[1].dx_register_index = 6; // Base shader register => s6 - s10
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[1].count = 5;
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[1].array_size = 3; // First binding is an array descriptor of size 3, and the remaining 2 descriptors (due to total descriptor count of 5) are put into subsequent bindings (see also documentation on 'reshade::api::descriptor_range::array_size')
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[1].type = reshade::api::descriptor_type::sampler; // => sX shader register
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[2].binding = 5;
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[2].dx_register_index = 1; // Base shader register => b1 - b2
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[2].count = 2;
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[2].type = reshade::api::descriptor_type::constant_buffer; // => bX shader register
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[3].binding = 7;
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[3].dx_register_index = 3;
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[3].count = 2;
params[0].descriptor_table.ranges[3].array_size = 2;
@ sampler
Descriptors are an array of sampler.
@ texture_shader_resource_view
Descriptors are an array of resource_view.
@ constant_buffer
Descriptors are an array of buffer_range.
Describes a single parameter in a pipeline layout.
Definition: reshade_api_pipeline.hpp:207
pipeline_layout_param_type type
Type of the parameter.
Definition: reshade_api_pipeline.hpp:218
struct reshade::api::pipeline_layout_param::@0::@2 descriptor_table
Used when parameter type is pipeline_layout_param_type::descriptor_table or pipeline_layout_param_typ...
Descriptor Table
|| X || X || X | X | X || X || X || X || X || X | X ||
Binding | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Array Offset | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 0 | 1 |
Offset | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Shader Resource Views Samplers Constant Buffers Shader Resource Views
register(t0 - t2) register(s6 - s10) register(b1 - b2) register(t3 - t4)

To create a pipeline layout like the above, call reshade::api::device::create_pipeline_layout() with a list of pipeline layout parameter descriptions. Each parameter can refer to:

Only a single pipeline layout per stage can be bound on a command list at a time. It is updated as part of reshade::api::command_list::bind_descriptor_tables(), reshade::api::command_list::push_descriptors() or reshade::api::command_list::push_constants().

Managing constant buffers can be cumbersome, so for use cases with just a few constants, command lists have a small memory pool built-in, which can be filled with constant data in-place at draw time and bound to a constant buffer register in shaders. These constants, written using reshade::api::command_list::push_constants(), are called push constants (equivalent concept in D3D12 is called root constants).

Similarily, managing descriptor tables and the memory they are allocated from manually can be cumbersome, so for simple use cases, command lists also have a small descriptor heap built-in, which can be filled with descriptors in-place at draw time. The descriptors written this way, using reshade::api::command_list::push_descriptors() without allocating a descriptor table first, are called push descriptors (since they are pushed into the command list). They are limited to a single linear list of descriptors of the same type per pipeline layout parameter however.

Since descriptor tables are effectively just sections in descriptor heap memory, reshade::api::descriptor_table can be thought of a view into a reshade::api::descriptor_heap, similar to how reshade::api::resource_view are views into a reshade::api::resource. Different views can refer to the same underlying memory, so there can be multiple reshade::api::descriptor_table pointing to the same descriptors. To uniquely identify a descriptor, reshade::api::device::get_descriptor_heap_offset() can be used to query its offset in the descriptor heap memory.

To allocate a new descriptor table, call reshade::api::device::allocate_descriptor_tables(), which will do as the name implies from a descriptor heap that ReShade manages internally. The size and layout of that descriptor table is described by the passed in pipeline layout parameter. reshade::api::device::update_descriptors() or reshade::api::device::update_descriptor_tables() (for multiple updates at once) can then be used to fill the table with descriptors before using it.

The concept of reshade::api::pipeline_layout is functionally equivalent to ID3D12RootSignature in D3D12 or VkPipelineLayout in Vulkan. The concept of reshade::api::descriptor_table is functionally equivalent to descriptor tables in D3D12 or VkDescriptorSet in Vulkan.